“The sphere disappeared descending the room in almost complete darkness, but I was on a bear…” Highlights: Bad elves, good kobolds? Metal shavings and wood chips A jewel encrusted eyepatch
“Teased Little Pocket that for someone who likes water so much she was always quite dirt covered. Her only answer was to jump into the Spring… touché.” Highlights: A show
“I remember the last time we did this…” HIGHLIGHTS “Have we ever met a good kobold?” A mysterious crevasse A surprise attack A familiar foe Episode 20: A hobbit
“I am learning to think more on my feet. It feels good, giving me confidence.” ENYA’S LETTERS Dear Father Tomas, Pater, Abba, In an attempt to keep you up to
“Should we grab the cloaks as well in case we need to pull a sleight of hand?” HIGHLIGHTS Flaming dragons, splashing dolphins Ambushed from the trees “We’re going to
“For the time being we needed rest and to gather everything we could for the coming siege.” Highlights: Favric’s poor Draconic Just my luck Carp hits Hag’s club! Oohs and
“Unfortunately, it seems this is the moment where our paths are going to diverge…” HIGHLIGHTS Favric and friends Guys?? Guys!! Hey! Hey guys!!! Intermediate Combat Tactics Attack of opportunity:
“I owe my life, my education, my knowledge, my focus, my journey to you.” ENYA’S LETTERS Dear Father Tomas, Pater, Abba, It has been a long time since I have
“Death comes to all of us. I was prepared but perhaps not yet ready.” Highlights: End of day sunlight Kobolds appear Death comes to all of us Companions of purpose
“If they know Garaele, they must be on our side. First good news in a while…” Highlights: On our way to Phandalin to lay low Woke up bound Out the